Yoga Retreat in Iloilo: Wellness Journey Day 1 of 3

News > Yoga Retreat in Iloilo: Wellness Journey Day 1 of 3

Have you ever felt the constant buzz of daily life humming a little too loudly? For me, that’s exactly what happened recently. So, I signed up for a 3-day yoga retreat in Iloilo, a wellness journey with Deep and Wide.

We set up camp along the rocky coast of Bugnayan Point Marine Sanctuary in San Joaquin, Iloilo, Philippines. This retreat promised a holistic approach combining yoga, Tai Chi, water activities, and a delicious vegetarian diet.

Intrigued by the opportunity to disconnect and recharge, I packed up for a weekend of self-discovery.

san joaquin bay
San Joaquin Bay

Yoga Retreat Day 1: April 26, Friday, San Joaquin, Iloilo

We left the terminal in Iloilo City at around 3:00 PM and arrived at the campsite an hour and a half later. We rested for a bit, pitched our tents, and finally settled down. The water was calm, and we could barely feel any breeze.

In the past couple of months, the heat index hasn’t gone below 40 degrees Celsius, and was no different this day. The calm water and gentle breeze offered a welcome respite from the city’s heat. While the humidity remained, the surrounding trees and the peaceful ocean view made the campsite significantly more comfortable.

The beauty of San Joaquin and the delicious vegetarian meals promised a relaxing escape. However, the true focus remained on inner exploration. Yoga and meditation, coupled with the planned water activities, hinted at a balanced approach to well-being.

The Yoga Retreat Location: San Joaquin, Iloilo, Philippines

Our retreat unfolded in the captivating coastal town of San Joaquin, a province of Iloilo, Philippines. It’s on the northernmost tip of Panay Island and boasts a rich history dating back to the 16th century.

Moreover, the town showcases well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture. You can see this in the San Joaquin Campo Santo, a Roman Catholic cemetery. It’s also evident in the San Joaquin church, another national cultural treasure.

Beyond beach resorts and historical sites, San Joaquin’s true magic lies underwater. The World Travel Awards has consistently recognized the Philippines as Asia’s Leading Dive Destination. San Joaquin plays a part in this prestigious reputation because of its breathtaking dive sites and marine sanctuaries.

On the second day of the yoga retreat, Turtols Freediving Buddies will lead the water activities. It will take place at the Bugnayan Point Marine Sanctuary. This spot is popular for its coral formations and schools of colorful fish. Nearby, the Kuliatan Marine Sanctuary promises another incredible underwater adventure.

Also, the organizers maximized our grounding experience and connection to nature. So, our campsite amenities included a well-equipped kitchen. It was where our delicious meals were concocted. There was a shared toilet and bath facility as well.

Beginning of a Wellness Journey

As early evening approached, we gathered for some light asanas and meditation led by Teacher Dennis. He’s a seasoned practitioner of tantric yoga, Tai Chi, and has been a strict vegetarian since age 16. He jokingly claimed that this had been just 4 years ago. I would’ve believed it if he hadn’t mentioned that my college dean was his classmate!

As we savored the healthy, delicious meals, we introduced ourselves. It was heartwarming to be part of such a diverse group. We came from different backgrounds, professions, and motivations for joining the retreat.

Some were experienced yoga practitioners and divers, while others, like myself, were beginners. Yet, a common thread of seeking healing and self-discovery wove through the introductions.

This retreat also marked a significant departure from my comfort zone. It was the first time I’d be away from my clingy toddler for 48 hours. It’s also my first experience with yoga retreats, camping, and diving.

Beyond the physical escape, it offered a rare opportunity for days without rushing or worrying. However, a deep intuition told me I’d return with more than I bargained for profoundly and positively.

That’s Day 1 of this yoga retreat in Iloilo, a promising wellness journey so far. You can explore and read about Days 2 and 3 of this 3-day yoga retreat.

Contact us at +1 (772) 777 8161 or complete this form to discuss your vacation plans.


